This shouldn't be one blog post but three - as usual I didn't find the time to post this before, so here's a three in one:
In the 19th of December, the latest +ko+ko+ album, "A Path To Nowhere", was released. This is a great album, and Merankorii did its mastering. Click on the CD picture to see more info/buy it, and check the videos from three of its tracks:
The next day, 20th of December, Merankorii did its first concert after the release of Alain. While there are no official recordings of the show, some of the attendants recorded some sound, video or pictures of the event. Here are a video and a sound recording I found, if you know of others please write a comment! are no official recordings of the show, some of the attendants recorded some sound, video or pictures of the event. Here are a video and a sound recording I found (and one of the several pictures you can easily find), if you know of others please write a comment!
One video (unfortunately G+ doesn't let me embed it)Merankorii Live at Chiado by Nuno Nunes
Finally, some news from the new year: yesterday was the release of 20ths of 2011, a free compilation with tracks from the 11 20th's of 2011.
These tracks don't share a sound or style or theme, but they all came into existence in a similar way. Each track was completely written and recorded on the 20th day of some month in 2011, as part of the 20th project.
This compilation contains contributions from Mystified (USA), The Knits (Australia), +ko+ko+ (Portugal), Andy McClelland (Canada), RainBoat (Australia), The Desks (Australia), Bray's Warehouse (Australia), 44Hertz (Australia), Telafonica (Australia), Merankorii (Portugal), The Friday Project (USA), WRC (USA), kokori (Portugal) and Cup and Bow (Australia).
Embeded, you'll find Merankorii's track "Dramatis Personae", and Kokori's track "Apert", each with a little description of the track (remember: kokori is a musical project made by Merankorii and +ko+ko+).
According to Wikipedia, "the term [dramatis personae] can be applied to any situation in which people or characters play a role, or appear to do so-—such as a metaphor, a drama, or a court case. It may also be facetiously applied in a situation where members of a group appear to play predictable roles, often for comic effect." What happens when the keys of a keyboard are the actors, as much as the whole (and each) keyboard itself, and their player? And in such a scenario, whose story would they be playing?
Like in most of Kokori's tracks, this one was made after the euro-making day job. It's title is a reference to Neal Stephenson's Anathem universe, and its context can be grabbed from here.